Saturday, 26 June 2010

Really really bad blackheads =(?

Ok, here's the deal. I have A LOT of blackheads. I'm not talking your average ';omg I have clear skin but now I have two spots on my nose'; type of blackheads, I'm talking stupid clogged pores all over my face. If they were tiny I wouldnt worry and usually I'm content to cover them up with makeup, but they just won't go away and no matter what I try they just keep getting worse! Its really starting to take a toll on my self esteem, I don't want to turn up to school or work because I feel like everyone is staring at my face and all its gross pores.. I don't even want to try and pursue the guy I like because I feel so ugly all the time and I don't know what to do about it!!!! I would have beautiful skin if I didnt have blackheads.. break outs I can control but the blackheads are insane.

Don't suggest the following because I've tried it and it hasn't worked:

- Proactive

- Neutrogena

- Steaming my face over a bowl of hot water then exfoliating

- General exfoliation

- Face masks (although clay masks do seem to help my skin a little)

- Anything with benzol peroxide in it

- Going to the doctor for something to fix it

- Drinking lots of water (makes no difference, maybe my face is a tad less oily but the blackheads just keep on coming)

- Pore strips

- Gently squeezing them out

- Blackhead extractors

So basically if you have ever had millions of blackheads and managed to get rid of most if not all of them, please let me know how you did it, I've hit a wall. =(

I've you've only had them on your nose or a few on your forehead, don't even reply, you're just wasting my time complaining about a problem you never had.

Thanks in advance

Ps I KNOW this is a hormonal thing but I'm nearing the end of all of that, my skin should be starting to get better at my age, not worse!Really really bad blackheads =(?
I've tried what you've tried ! I could finally find a solution for this problem,read this blog before taking any action.

and no, it was noty listed in your list!

Thanks to this blog, it helped me a lot to find the best method.

Hope this helpsReally really bad blackheads =(?
Ok , you should see an aesthetician for some face therapy.

That will do..
use proxide then pop them

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