Saturday, 26 June 2010

Is it bad to squeeze out blackheads?

I've found that it's not very effective. Try this. Mis 1 tsp unflavored gelatin (Knox brand) and 1 1/2 tsp milk. Heat 10 seconds in the microwave. Use your finger to paint this mixture on your nose or wherever. Let it harden 15 minutes, then peel off. It will take blackheads with it.Is it bad to squeeze out blackheads?
yes the can spread more.Is it bad to squeeze out blackheads?
Yes. You should avoid touching your skin with your hands at all time. You have a greater possibility of transmitting bacteria to other areas and a very high chance of causing skin damage by squeezing. The black you see in a blackhead is caused by skin pigment, not ';dirt'; so squeezing it out will not have the effect you are looking for.
yeah... will only make them look worse
Not if you do it as soon as you come out of the shower. (When your pores are already open)
Yes it is bad,but if you do pop'em when you get right out of the shower and still wet. (washing your face doesn't work).

Hope that helps!

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